New Year..Not The Same You.

New Year..Not The Same You.

Since this is my first blog of the year, Happy New Year!! Where does the time go? OMG- It’s already MAY!!!! I’ve taken a break from FB and social media for a while to hear from God so I’ve been low key- gone. I do apologize for my journey away from the pen. I truly thank all of you for hanging with me. Some of you have been with me since 2015 and for that- I say thank you. And to those of you who just joined us, welcome!!!! I hope all of you are doing well. So much has taken place this year. So many tragedies across our nation. I think we’re all wondering if the world will ever get better. We’re probably all hoping too. This has been a trying year, but with God’s help, we can persevere. I’m not sure what you all are going through or have had to endure, but for me, the past 5 months have been challenging, grueling and unbelievably- hard. I’ve been tested on a lot of levels so I totally get it.

As this new year progresses, I would like to remind you not to put too much pressure on yourself to be anything more than what God wants you to be. Slow down and live in the moment as He molds you into who He created you to be. Love yourself right where you are and accept the grace that God has given you. Last year wasn’t perfect, and this year won’t be perfect either so stop trying to make it that way. Give you and others some grace. The way this year is going, I’m sure you’ve experienced some low points in your personal life, but remember that those low points will only make you stronger.

And if you perhaps you didn’t get everything quite right last year, forgive yourself and remember that you are not the same you. Give yourself some grace to grow! You are one year wiser. One year smarter. One year stronger. Learn from it and move on. Failures aren’t failures if you learned something from them. I challenge you to take what you learn and put it to use, some way or another. We’ve got 7 more months left should God allow us to see them all. Focus on the 7 months ahead. Forget what lies behind.

Here’s a New Year’s Video. My husband and I had a bunch of fun playing in the snow in January. We were off from work- and it showed!! Hope you enjoy.